Camping Essentials

5 Camp Food Recipes Using only 5 Ingredients

There are plenty of delicious camping recipes that are relatively easy to prepare. When it comes to camp food, people need to make sure that they choose the sorts of recipes that will only require a few ingredients. People who have read a lot of camping advice guides will know that it’s important to avoid packing too much. The camping enthusiasts who follow these camping recipes won’t have to worry about that.

Grilled Cheese and Pizza

It’s common to make grilled cheese sandwiches during camping trips. However, adding marinara sauce and pepperoni to a more standard grilled cheese sandwich can make the meal more nutritionally balanced.

Bread, shredded mozzarella cheese, butter, pepperoni, and marinara sauce are all relatively easy to store and to carry. These sandwiches should also be just as easy to prepare as most other sandwiches, but they’re hearty and relatively high in protein. People can balance recipes like these with foods that are more rich in carbohydrates.

Campfire Granola

Many people will bring granola with them on camping trips. They can certainly make their own granola as well. This is a recipe that involves dried cranberries, rolled oats, vegetable oil, pecans or almonds, and maple syrup. Most of those ingredients won’t be heavy for people to carry during a hike. It’s possible to use these ingredients to create very hearty camping snacks.

In order to prepare the granola, camping enthusiasts will need a simple iron pan. They can heat the pan over a campfire and then cook the almonds or pecans. Then, they can cook the oats. Once those ingredients are cooked, it’s time to remove the pan from the fire and mix in the maple syrup, vegetable oil, and dried cranberries. Six cups of oats, a cup of dried cranberries, two cups of nuts, a half cup of vegetable oil, and a cup of maple syrup can produce one serving.


Scrambled Eggs and Potatoes

Some people might worry about bringing eggs with them on a camping trip. However, as long as they store the eggs correctly, they shouldn’t run into any issues. Eggs are otherwise not difficult to carry.

With eight eggs, two tablespoons of butter, a chopped onion, two diced potatoes, and two chopped peppers, it’s possible to create a meal that will help anyone stay energized throughout a camping trip. They’ll just need to fry the potatoes, peppers, and onions in the butter. After twenty minutes or so, they can add all the eggs. Camp food like this should be able to keep a person full throughout the day. People can try other sorts of dishes for a quick energy boost.

Corn Fritters

With two cups of corn bread mix, a half a cup of rinsed canned corn, a quarter of a cup of cooking oil, and two tablespoons of sugar, people can create high-energy corn fritters that they can eat at any point during a camping trip. Lots of the camping advice aimed at modern camping enthusiasts relates to dietary guidelines. It takes a lot of energy to make it through a day of camping, and these corn fritters can help.

They’re easy to make, so people can save their energy for the actual camping trip. People just have to mix the sugar and the corn bread mix together before adding some water, and then the canned corn. Then, they will just need to add the oil to a skillet and cook the fritters like they’re pancakes.

Stuffed Bananas

In general, bananas are used in a lot of different camping recipes. They’re full of potassium and they’re high-energy. It’s possible to use bananas to make desserts that are similar to s’mores, but more nutritious.

With these stuffed bananas, people will just need to cut into the bananas without removing the peel, and then begin filling the bananas with chocolate chips and miniature marshmallows. They can then wrap the bananas in aluminum foil and cook them over the campfire. It’s a good idea to eat the contents with a spoon.

There’s a lot of camping advice out there that will help people avoid some of the processed food that is often marketed towards camping enthusiasts. Yukon Gold Outdoors visitors will find all sorts of alternatives to the more common types of camp food. Easy camping recipes are more numerous than a lot of people think.