Yukon Holidays

Surviving Yukon Winter in a Van

Daring and Memorable Vacations

Some people want to go on relaxing vacations, while other people will be interested in really challenging themselves under these circumstances. Many of the people who visit Yukon Gold Outdoors will be interested in going on genuinely bold trips. They’ll set up Adventure Itineraries and get camping advice from people who know what it’s like to spend the winter in hostile areas. Living in a van during a Yukon winter is no easy task, but it’s an absolutely unforgettable experience. The people involved will just need to make sure that they follow the right guidelines.

Heat Sources

Obviously, the people who do anything like this will need to make sure that they keep the van warm enough. Most vans these days will have excellent heating systems. However, it’s important to have several different backup options. The vehicle’s normal internal heating system might prove to be inadequate when the exterior temperatures get particularly low.

There are special stoves and ovens that were designed to be used inside vans safely. Bringing along a few of these devices is a good idea. They can be used to heat food and water, but the heat from these stoves will also help keep the entire vehicle warm.

Miniature wood camping stoves can be particularly effective. Many of these devices can be used to burn fuel that was found outdoors. The people who have backup plans will be able to make it through Yukon winters safely, even if they’re interested in particularly bold Adventure Itineraries. Some of the most important camping advice Yukon Gold Outdoors can give, however, will still relate to the van itself.

Insulate the Van

The van itself will need to be able to maintain its own internal temperatures easily. There are vans that were specifically designed to withstand very low temperatures. However, it’s often a good idea to get all of these vans modified in order to make them particularly effective during Yukon winters.

There are thermal curtains that will help people keep the van’s heat from escaping. Even using as many floor mats as possible can help the vehicle retain heat. RV skirts can be used for the same reason, and these products will help keep the entire vehicle warm.

It’s also frequently a good idea to use a relatively small van during a trip like this. It won’t take as much energy to heat this sort of vehicle. While smaller objects will sometimes lose heat faster than larger objects, it’s possible to slow down this process and keep a small van warm. People won’t want to risk running out of energy at any point during a trip like this, and that’s less likely to happen if they use a small van. The van will still need to be large enough for all of the supplies that adventurers will require.


Camping Supplies

Relatively few people will go camping during Yukon winters, but plenty of general camping advice will still apply in these situations. People will need to make sure that they have enough high-energy food that is easy to store.

When people don’t eat enough, they tend to get colder more easily. In fact, when people overeat, they often feel warmer immediately. Ultimately, people are specifically trying to keep themselves warm during camping trips like this, and keeping the vehicle warm is just a means of doing so. Eating high-energy food can help people accomplish that goal directly.

People who have Adventure Itineraries involving the Yukon should also make sure that they’re able to heat water. Drinking warm water can help people prevent hypothermia, while also helping other people recover from hypothermia. It takes energy to heat water, and it’s important to conserve that energy. However, people still need to make sure that they’re able to drink warm beverages during trips like this.

Yukon Gold Outdoors adventurers will need to pack thermal clothing and blankets for these tough journeys. Their Adventure Itineraries might vary, but the people who decide to go on these trips will often end up packing the same things. There are high-tech and low-tech ways of keeping warm during Yukon winters, and people should use all of the options that are available to them.